STEPAYS resulted out of a common project between  Medical Engineering CH GmbH and the Swiss Center for Clinial Movement Analysis (SCMA) of the Balgrist Campus. The SCMA has defined the requirements for STEPWAYS together with Medical Engineering CH. Medical Engineering CH further overtook the engineering, development and fabrication.

A longtime cooperation exists between Balgrist Campus and Medical Engineering CH GmbH out of which several medical devices have emerged. A milestone within this cooperation has been set by the development of the rehabilitation robot "The FLOAT", which is successfully in use in many different clinics worldwide.


Medical Engineering CH GmbH:
Interfacing medicine, life sciences and engineering.


Medical Engineering CH specializes in creating tailor-made solutions for interdisciplinary projects in biomedical engineering. We provide a platform that brings together medical competence with engineering know-how to design tools, technologies, and methods in response to advanced concepts in clinical medicine.  

Medical Engineering CH GmbH can also support you with diverse services:
Development, engineering, prototyping, fabrication, market entry all the way to full service development.
However your idea might look - we develop medical devices for research and market.
Your idea is our mission.